Luca Luke Apps

theory of everything 2.0
Luca Luke
Starting from the famous formula about theequivalence of energy and mass and thinking about the universalgeometry, the suggestions of Einstein and the principles of thethermodynamic are put together getting, at the end, a theory ofeverything, simple and elegant, whose final formula, withoutarithmetical signs, is EGem.Starting from the famousformula about the equivalence of energy and mass and thinking aboutthe universal geometry, the suggestions of Einstein and theprinciples of the thermodynamic are getting put together, at theend, a theory of everything, simple and elegant, Whose finalformula , without arithmetical signs, is Egem.
Parco Santa Domenica Ragusa 3
Luca Luke
Scaricate questa guida dellameravigliosavallata Santa Domenica che unisce Ibla e il centrostoricosuperiore di Ragusa. Santa Domenica è un'esperienza da nonperdereperchè farete una bellissima passeggiata immersi in un verdeche vistupirà e nello stesso tempo potrete anche rivivere lastupendastoria della città di Ragusa.Download this guide ofthewonderful valley Santa Domenica combining Ibla and the old townofRagusa top. Santa Domenica is an experience not to be missedbecauseyou will make a beautiful walk immersed in a green thatwill amazeyou and at the same time you can also relive thewonderful historyof the city of Ragusa.
The art of getting rich 1.0
Luca Luke
Learn how to get rich with this reallyusefullapp.
L'arte di diventare ricchi 3.0
Luca Luke
Scoprite come diventare ricchi conquestabellissima applicazione. Scaricatela perchè è unostrumentoprezioso per la vita di chiunque.Discover how to getrichwith this wonderful application. Download it because it isavaluable tool for anyone's life.